Daily Prompt: Subdued

tearvia Daily Prompt: Subdued

Dear significant other,

I tried my very best to make sure that you had what you needed. I did all I could to make sure you were where you needed to be. I did everything you wanted me to do. Yet….here I am. Stuck. I never imagined that I would ever be in this predicament. How could this have happened? Where did it all go wrong? Who’s fault is this? Was it me? Or could it be you? So many questions….not enough answers. Did not we promise that we’d be together forever? Or was that our lust, and not love for one another? Is this punishment for something in my past? Or…maybe I am a  victim of your selfish gains. Makes no difference does it….we’ve both lost. We’ve both lost out on times of joy. We lost our ability to look one another in the eyes and see the love.  We just see hurt. We just see reflections of our faded past. You managed to have me subdued with contempt. I stayed still. I knew full well that the time was near for things to be different, but I kept it going. In this end, we both ended up with hurt. In ways that either of us would have imagined. I hope that on whatever paths we choose to take, we will never forget the love that was.

Yours truly,

Your Former Love


Daily Prompt: Graceful

via Daily Prompt: Graceful

When you think of a woman, most times you think of image first. We as a society have afro-higotten away from adhering to the cliché ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’.  More often than not, you have been judged by your peers just from a quick glance. Never mind the fact that you are a super cool individual. Never mind the fact that you have prestigious college degrees. Never mind the fact that you have children but you don’t let the stress of parenting get to you. Our peers don’t see those things…they only see you in a moments flash. But there will be moments when your charming mannerisms and your uncanny ability to be awesome, will supersede you.  You are still a graceful being that walks upon this green earth!  Being a woman is certainly a task within itself, but I,  like most of you have proudly accepted the challenge. If you see another woman and she is lacking a little sunshine, give her a nod and smile. Sometimes we have to remind each other that even though society continues to set erroneous standards, we are fine just the way we are. Graceful and all.


Daily Prompt: Stump

via Daily Prompt: Stump


So there I was….looking at all my pending school assignments. And just like that, I drew a blank. I was stumped. What had I gotten myself into? Why was I even going back to school?  Is this worth the trouble?

Sheesh!  Stumped was just a nice way of putting my situation. I always felt like I was supposed to go to college…but really, what for?  To hone the title of a college graduate? Or maybe it was the peer pressure of society that said, ‘Hey you, yeah you…go to college, rack up debt and hope to land in your career field of study. Because if you don’t, well, you’re a  loser.’  *Insert sacrastic exaggeration* Thank you America, thank you.

Let’s consider a few things: If you haven’t chosen your career field by now (my age group 30-40) you’re practically winging it. We haven’t been afforded the luxury most of our parents had. Life itself was much more inexpensive than it is now. Hell, I can’t even walk in the grocery with confidence without checking my bank account balance a few more times before I hit the check out line! *Insert self pity laughter*

But seriously though, me sitting and looking at my assignments caused me to feel an unnerving moment of life anxiety. Being stumped is only half the problem. The other half comes into play when you have to chose to move along.